Главная Products Borehole drilling

Well drilling, drilling of water supply wells, industrial wells, engineering wells, drawdown

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The company «Burvod» drills water supply wells with the help of drilling machines of various classes:

  1. light: URB-2А2, URB-2,5
  2. medium: 1BА-15, URB-3АМ
  3. heavy: UBV-600
  4. cable-tool drilling outfits: UKS
  5. auger units: 1 VS, UGB

In addition, the company has a fleet of auxiliary vehicles and machines, such as: autocranes, excavators, bulldozers, water trailers, diesel power stations, trucks, cementing units etc. All equipment is certified.

First of all, in the course of the development of project of well drilling, it is IMPORTANT to pay attention to:

  •  the selection of the aquiferous horizon, to which the well will be drilled. The artesian water can be pumped from the same point of land, but from different aquiferous horizons, which are located on various depths and have different characteristics (from the maximal water flow to the quality of water - its chemical composition). 
  • selection of the method of drilling. The company recommends the method of reverse circulation drilling of wells, which allows to increase: well drilling rate, its productivity (flow rate) and life time. However, apart from this, Company “Burvod” can carry out drilling by any other methods. For these purposes it has all the necessary equipment and skilled personnel. 
  • selection of well design. The design of the well is to be developed in such a way that in the course of drilling water from aquiferous horizons must not overflow. The leakage of water results: firstly in contamination of environment and secondly in contamination of the water from this well. In addition, the design is to meet maximally the requirements of the customer to the volume and quality of water from the well. It is important to select correctly the dimensions of the working part of the well filter and its location. 
  • selection of material of the well workstring. Whereas the pipe of workstring directly contacts water, which penetrates into it, the material of the pipe can influence the quality of water. For example, one of the characteristics of the standard steel is corrosion. In such cases it is important to select the optimal ratio price/quality of pipes.

The specialists of company are ready to consult the customers on all above-mentioned issues in details (see "Contacts").



What is a difference of pressure and free-flow underwaters in?


Underwaters being in a direct contact with an atmosphere through the open pores of permeable environment are named free-flow waters.

Pressure waters are dissociated from an atmosphere relatively by waterproof breeds.

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