Приморский р-н
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# Settlement names
1 Ногайск ( Bore-holes: 2)
2 Партизаны ( Bore-holes: 1)
3 Преслав ( Bore-holes: 2)
4 Приморск ( Bore-holes: 3)
5 Приморское ( Bore-holes: 2)
What is the suspended underwaters?


In many districts the first from an earthly surface nonartesian waters are located higher than basic area of фреатических waters and there are the accumulations of water, position of which is determined by geostructural terms, isolated more or less. Such waters name suspended, and their high bound - suspended free-form.


Архив, приведённый на сайте, в процессе наполнения, т.к. архивные данные хранились в бумажном варианте - электронная версия в данный момент только формируется.

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